The Lost Coin
Light For The World
The Two Sons
The Wise Builder
The Friend At Midnight
The Merchant Searching
A Net Thrown Into The Sea
The Parable of the Yeast
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
The Barren Fig Tree
The Rich Fool
The Unjust Judge
The Good Samaritan
The Pharisee & Tax Collector
The Two Debtors
The Lost Sheep
The Prodigal Son
The Parable of the Sower
Performing God's stories that shape human hearts.
The Parable Project tells the stories Jesus told, to bring home the messages of the Gospel. The Parable Project uses drama, humor, and audience participation to bring nine parables to life; including "The Good Samaritan"and "The Parable of the Sower." In "The Lost Sheep", the audience actually plays the 99 sheep, baaaing on cue! Audiences watch, participate, and experience these stories in a creative and fun way. Jesus knew the power of a good story and his parables teach us lessons that help us love like him.
The Parable Project: Take Two - So many audiences loved The Parable Project, that we added a second show, The Parable Project:Take Two. Audiences of all ages will be inspired by a new show with nine different parables, that will help them experience the love of God in a fresh, new way. The audience helps to create the storm in “The Wise Builder," makes their best fish face in “The Net” and is delighted by song and pantomime in “The Lost Coin."
The Parable Project is a drama ministry that helps their audiences identify with the resounding lessons of goodness and in a way that will stick to their hearts. Perfect for all ages and ideal for school assemblies, church gatherings, social events and retreats.
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